Return to [[start|start page]] ## 1. Reaction Diffusion Simulator ### 1. Short description 1. Simulation of reaction diffusion equations Framework for modelling dynamical systems 2. Space (1D or 2D) is discretized by finite differences and translated to a big ODE system (solved by ode15s) ### 2. Applicability/restrictions/pitfalls 1. Model setup like in D2D with .def files and reLoad 2. Import & Export to D2D possible 3. Spatially dependent parameters, zeroflux & periodic boundary conditions possible ### 3. Code availability and implementations 1. D2D: arToPDE, rePDE2ar 2. dmod: not implemented ### 4. Publications from the Timmer group 1. Raphael Engesser‘s PhD thesis 2. - [[#reaction_diffusion_simulator|Reaction Diffusion Simulator]] \\ \\ ~~NOTOC~~